Martin Insurance Group, LLP
Compliance Specialists
Rely on us to ensure your business has the tools it needs to grow and thrive in a world of regulations.
Insurance is full of ever-changing government rules that place employers in difficult and potentially liable situations by simply not knowing what the most current compliant requirements are. As the laws state, ignorance of a law is not grounds for dismissal of liability. By having a true benefits professional review your plans, keep you updated with the latest state & federal mandates, laws, and requirements, you can rest assured that you are being taken care of. We constantly see how government regulation continue to move the bar, many times to the detriment of business owners. In this decade, laws are more and more being directed to putting responsibility on the shoulders of private businesses.
Frequently, we find businesses that think it will be cheaper to try the “do it yourself” approach to employee benefits and HR compliance. The results can be devastating to include hours or months of lost time on self-education, unintentional exposures, and self-imposed liabilities to the owners of the business. These will include fines, lawsuits and business disruptions filled with anxiety when it could have all been avoided by calling The Team at MIG!
Relying on Martin Insurance Group to manage your business’s benefits lets you get your focus back on where it needs to be to help you grow – on your business! Call today to make your compliance nightmare just a distant memory.