Martin Insurance Group, LLP
Keeping Your Business Compliant In An Ever-Changing World
Martin Insurance Group’s experts possess the in-depth experience and training in building, managing and renewing your company’s employee group insurance plans year after year. The ACA-Affordable Care Act subjects employers to multiple exposures and potential fines. MIG’s compliance team conducts full audits to assure our clients are protected from costly fines and penalties due to easily overlooked non-compliance mistakes and / or new mandates. We invite you to join the long list of employers that choose to work with a professional, ethical and high touch service oriented team at Martin Insurance Group, LLP. Call us for a no-obligation initial consultation.
Services Overview
Employer Groups
- Affordable Health Care Act Compliance
- Fully-Insured Medical Insurance
- Self-Funded Medical Insurance
- Level Funding
- Association Health Plans
- Dental/Vision/Term Life/Supp Life
- Group Short/Long Term Disability
- HR/COBRA/FMLA Administration
- PEO-Full Payroll Services
- PEO – Full or By Line Item Employer Services
- 401(k)/SEP/IRA Retirement Plans
- Keyman Executive Bonus Plans
- Worksite Voluntary Benefits
- Payroll Services
- Time & Attendance
- HR Assistance
- 1094C/1095C & 5500 Form Filing Services
Individual Products
- Disability Plans
- Medicare Supplement Plans
- Husband & Wife Long Term Care
- Whole/Term/UL Life Insurance
- Annuities-Fixed & Indexed Plans
- Estate & Retirement Planning
Through our Alliance Partnerships
- General Liability/Workers Comp.
- Home/Auto/Property Casualty/Etc.
- Professional E&O Coverages
- Business Owner and Umbrella Policies
- Occupational Accident Plans – Alternatives
to Workers Comp - Bonds
- Medical & Dental
Employee Benefits
We recognize that every company’s needs are going to be different- and that is where we shine! By having MIG’s team of highly experienced & certified professionals that takes the detailed time to consult with you on the best options available to meet your specific needs, you will easily save many hours of your time and money. So do not get stuck with coverage that does not suit you!
Account Management
We have created and established a dedicated plan design, implementation, compliance, and on-going full customer service team with the experience to promptly service and help companies just like yours thrive.
Compliance Specialists
Relying on Martin Insurance Group to manage your business’s benefits lets you get your focus back on where it needs to be to help you grow – on your business!
Individual & Group Life Insurance
Taking care of your employee’s health insurance needs are only one important part of running a successful business operation. What about yourself, your business partner or your key employees that are the actual backbone of your company’s team that make the wheel turn? Call us for consultation to identify your goals!
Congratulations, you’ve made it! Or do you have a few more years left to go? We can help develop a plan for you, no matter what stage in life.
Property & Casualty
We have Alliance Partnerships that share our personal service business models. Bringing years of experience, they are able to help you meet your general liability, business auto, property & casualty needs.
The Changing Face of ACA & Penalties for Non Compliance
The Affordable Care Act Law is over 2,000 pages long. During the past 9+ years numerous areas of the law have been revised or reinterpreted. This means that while some employers may think they are in compliance, in the event of an IRS Audit, they would soon find out they are not. If you current broker has left it all on your table, then you are an IRS audit waiting to happen. In contrast, this is something we take very seriously and take extensive steps to make sure our clients are protected and educated on. This leaves no room for mistakes or for insurance agents that do not have the expertise in employee benefits, which leaves you expose. Why take a chance and risk thousands of dollars in potential fines when you can choose the services of a proven team of experts? You wouldn’t ask an optometrist to operate on your child’s heart would you.
Helpful Links – Affordable Care Act facts and Registration
NAHU – National Association of Health Underwriters
TAHU – Texas Association of Health Underwriters
SAAHU – San Antonio Association of Health Underwriters
Medicare Official Site
SSI Administration
AGC – Associated General Contractors of San Antonio